SOLO OSLO: Admir Batlak Artist Talk

Artist Admir Batlak discusses everything from antifascism to subversive handicrafts.

Photo: Jannik Abel og Norske Billedkunstnere 2020

Doors open: 18:00
Event start: 18:30

In this conversation with curator Tominga O’Donnell, Admir Batlak goes deeper into the background of his new installation at MUNCH, which is inspired by Yugoslavian anti-fascist monuments, different textile techniques and queer perspectives.   

For the third edition of SOLO OSLO, artist Admir Batlak has created a new work for the distinctive exhibition space onlevel 10 at MUNCH. Batlak operates in the fluid zone between fashion, sculpture and installation, and often experiments with various traditional craft techniques.
He draws on a broad frame of reference to various histories, social movements and popular culture.Batlak allows different elements to coexist in his work, and explores questions of taste, ideals and identity.   

Admir Batlak (born 1982 in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina) lives and works in Oslo. He studied fashion design at Istituto Marangoni in Milan (2006). His work is included in collections at Nasjonalmuseet, Kode 1, Bergen, Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, Trondheim and Stavanger Kunstmuseum.