The MUNCH Interviews: Bendik Giske
Get to know artist and saxophonist Bendik Giske.
Get to know artist and saxophonist Bendik Giske.
Made by MUNCH in collaboration with Spindel Film © Munchmuseet
Bendik Giske is an artist and saxophonist who blurs the boundaries between performance, installation and music. Using circular breathing, he explores the limits of the instrument and the body, creating a physical experience suffused with a sense of endurance and human vulnerability. Giskes practice encompasses performance, installation, film production and record releases. His work has been shown at art institutions such as MoMA in New York, the Venice Biennale and Lafayette Anticipations, and he regularly performs at music festivals worldwide.
Giske is premiering his new, commissioned performance Not Yet at MUNCH 3 March 2022. In this edition of The MUNCH Interviews you can get to know Bendik Giske and his relationship to Edvard Munch.