Gutter slåss på gaten i Warnemünde

Boys Fighting in the Street in Warnemünde

Charcoal, watercolour

Inventory number: MM.T.00139-02


This object is one of several related to Sketchbook

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Title Gutter slåss på gaten i Warnemünde (NO) Boys Fighting in the Street in Warnemünde (EN)
Painter Edvard Munch
Date 1907–1908
Classification Drawings
Tools/material Charcoal, watercolour Wove paper
Dimensions Paper: 470 × 309 × 0,23 mm
Owner/Collection Munchmuseet
Inventory number MM.T.00139-02
Munch og Warnemünde, 1907-1908, utst. kat. MM, 1999, kat. nr. 68 / ill s. 96 (German edition: Munch und Warnemünde)

See also