Kvinnehode mot stranden

Woman's Head against the Shore

colour woodcut

Inventory number: MM.G.00597-14

Catalogue raisonné: Woll G 152

Schiefler 129


This object is one of several related to the graphic motif Woman's Head against the Shore

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Woodcut with gouges, chisel, fretsaw. Printed from two woodblocks
Title Kvinnehode mot stranden (NO) Woman's Head against the Shore (EN) Frauenkopf am Strande (DE)
Painter Edvard Munch
Date 1899
Classification Woodcut
Material/technique Colour woodcut European wove paper
Dimensions Motif: 470 × 405 mm Paper: 627 × 471 mm
Markings Sch.129 // 597-23 [blyant, n.t.v.] // OSLO KOMMUNE MUNCHS GRAFIKK [stempel, verso, n.t.h.]
Owner/Collection Munchmuseet
Inventory number MM.G.00597-14

See also