Sittende og krypende tiger

Tigers Sitting and Creeping


Inventory number: MM.G.00473-02

Catalogue raisonné: Woll G 570


This object is one of several related to the graphic motif Tigers Sitting and Creeping

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Title Sittende og krypende tiger (NO) Tigers Sitting and Creeping (EN) Sitzende und kriechende Tiger (DE)
Painter Edvard Munch
Date 1916
Classification Lithography
Material/technique Litografi Europeisk velinpapir
Dimensions Motif: 253 × 400 mm Paper: 358 × 449 mm
Markings Ln 473 [blyant, n.t.v.] // OSLO KOMMUNE MUNCHS GRAFIKK [stempel, verso, n.t.h.]
Owner/Collection Munchmuseet
Inventory number MM.G.00473-02

See also