People at Ekely

Self-portraits, models and figure compositions from Munch's time at Ekely.

Edvard Munch  bought the property Ekely on the outskirts of Oslo in 1916, when he was 53 years old. It became his permanent residence the rest of his life – a home. Although Ekely provided Munch with a more stable framework for his work, he continued his experimental exploration of motifs and methods until the very end. For example, we see this in a number of self-portraits where he confronted himself and his own aging with undisguised honesty.

Self-portraits from Munch's time at Ekely

Edvard Munch: Self-Portrait in Front of the House Wall, 1926. Edvard Munch is shown in a half-length portrait standing in front of a yellow house wall with a green plant. He is wearing a brown blazer with something white underneath. His right arm hangs down by his side, while his left is raised to chest height as if about to grasp his lapel. Behind him, the house wall is visible on the right, while a green garden and a blue sky can be seen on the left. Painting.

Edvard Munch: Self-Portrait at the Wedding Table. Oil on canvas, 1925–26. Photo © Munchmuseet

Edvard Munch: Self-Portrait, 1940–43. An old man is shown in a half-length portrait, sitting with his arms resting at his sides. In the background, the outline of another man is visible. The painting is in shades of yellow and green. Painting.

Edvard Munch: Self-Portrait. Between the Clock and the Bed, 1940–43. An old man stands upright with his arms hanging by his sides. To the right of the man, there is a bed; to the left, a grandfather clock. Painting.

Nudes from Ekely

Edvard Munch: Model by the Wicker Chair. Oil on canvas, 1919-21. Photo © Munchmuseet


Edvard Munch: Birgit Prestøe, Portrait Study. Oil on wooden panel, 1924-1925. Photo © Munchmuseet

Figure compositions

Edvard Munch: The Wedding of the Bohemian. Oil on canvas, 1925. Photo © Munchmuseet