
Lending the artworks supports MUNCH’s mission to increase the knowledge of our collection, reach new target groups, and contribute to exhibition projects and various programs both in Norway and internationally. Our aim is further to contribute to cooperation and exchange between the museums and art institutions across the world.

MUNCH greatly appreciate the interest in our collection, and consider all loan requests that meet our criteria. Loan requests are assessed by the museum's Loan Committee, and decisions are made on the basis of an overall interdisciplinary evaluation.

Application process

Loan request must be sent to MUNCH via the application form no later than 12 months before the exhibition's opening date. For more extensive loans, the deadline is at least 24 months before the exhibition opening. If the exhibition is to be shown in several places, the request has to state the fact.

To submit your request, complete this application form.

Please, be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Exhibition period and title
  • Description of the exhibition concept
  • List of works (artist, title, technique, inventory- or Woll-number)
  • Facility report

The request will not be processed further unless we receive all the necessary information. After that, the request moves on to the assessment stage. If any adjustments are made to the exhibition location, loan dates, lists of works after your request has been confirmed, these changes have be sent by e-mail to

Facility report

All borrowers must complete a standard climate and safety report (facility report) and attach it to the application. Furthermore, a document containing the climatic conditions in the exhibition areas over a three-month period that corresponds to the requested loan period must be attached to the application. If you are applying for more than one exhibition venue, a facility report and climate measurements from all exhibition locations must be submitted. Applications for loans without a facility report and climate measurements will not be considered.

If exhibition venues do not have their own facilities report, a form from the American Alliance of Museums can be downloaded and used.

Loan agreement and insurance

MUNCH issues its own loan agreement which will be sent to the borrower after the loan request has been approved.

All the loan objects must be covered by wall-to-wall insurance covering loss or damage, including the cover against terrorism, throughout the loan period. The borrower is responsible for insuring the loan objects.


Transport of objects from MUNCH's collection can only be carried out by fine art shipping companies with valid certification from ICEFAT or ARTIM.


MUNCH's climate requirements correspond to international research-based standards.

The borrower must submit climate measurements that confirm the following:

  • Temperature: 14‒22 °C
  • Relative humidity: 40‒60%. Permitted fluctuations of 8 percentage points within 24 hours.
  • Light levels: 50 LUX for art works on paper, 200 LUX for paintings. In case of any special requirements, information will be sent after the loan has been approved.


Borrowers within Norway will not be charged a loan fee.

Other borrowers will be charged a loan fee at the following rates:

  • Loan fee per loan object                                          NOK 9,000
  • Loan of objects from permanent exhibitions  NOK 12,000
  • Loan fee for photocopies                                       NOK 1,500

In addition, the borrower is responsible for covering all costs in connection with the loan, including but not limited to the following:

  • Insurance, wall-to-wall
  • Framing and glass
  • Conservation (cost per hour: NOK 1150 + 25% VAT)
  • Rental of transport crates
  • Packing and transport of loan objects
  • Expenses for couriers (all loan objects from MUNCH are accompanied by couriers)
  • Expenses for safety inspection

Estimated expenses related to a loan are sent to the borrower after the loan request has been approved.

MUNCH recognizes that a loan may be canceled or withdrawn for valid reasons, but we reserve the right to charge the borrower for any costs that may have been incurred. Cancellations must be made in writing to the registrar responsible for the loan.